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The District's educational program will seek to provide an opportunity for each child to develop to his or her maximum potential.  The objectives for the educational program are:

  • A safe
  • , positive, respectful learning environment
  • World class teaching/learning
  • Being great caretakers of communication

The administrative staff is responsible for apprising the Board of educational programs' current and future status.

The primary purpose of schooling is the transmission of knowledge and culture, through which students learn in areas necessary to their continuing development and entry into the worlds of work.  The Board gives priority in the allocation of resources, including funds, time, personnel, and facilities, to fulfilling this purpose.


The goal of the Board of Trustees of Montana City School is to provide the highest quality educational program for the students who reside in School District #27, Jefferson County.  The continued revision of specific steps to achieve this goal will be determined by: 1) the financial resources of the district; 2) the intelligent and wise planning by the board, educators, and administrators who serve the school; and 3) the needs of students as they mature and realize their potential in our rapidly changing world.


The potentials that are targets for our educational program are the cognitive, physical, emotional, social and vocational skills that one needs to successfully participate in society.  More specific goals in each of these areas are:

 1.  Cognitive:The ability to use one's intellect for adapting to and changing the environment.

    A.  Knowledge: the recall or recognition of information, methods and processes needed for problem solving,

    B.  Understanding: the ability to use information being communicated or to comprehend presented

         information.  Specific skills include translation, interpretation and extrapolation,

    C.  Application: the ability to apply acquired information in problemsolving situations,

    D.  Originality and Creativity:  the ability to produce new ideas that are meaningful and productive.

2.  Physical: The ability to use one's body in a coordinated and meaningful way and the knowledge to

                 maintain and facilitate healthy physical development.

    A Gross Motor Skill Development:  the coordination of striated muscles involved in running, throwing,

          tumbling,and other gymnastics,

    B.  Fine Motor Skill Development:  the coordination of sensory and perceptual processes

         (eye-hand coordination),

    C.  Through participation in sports programs:  an awareness of self and self in relationship with others in


    D.  Realization of body fitness and necessity for proper exercise and diet.

3.  Emotional: Provide an atmosphere conducive to the student's development of personal interests,

    attitudes, values and appreciation.  The board places value on the following:

    A.  Self Esteem:  Educators and students should hold themselves in high regard and value their realized


    B.  Self Confidence:  Educators and students should be able to accept their strengths and weaknesses and

         not be consumed by either.

    C.  Self Reliance:  Ability to initiate activity to enhance one's own learning experience.

         Educators and students should continue to develop internal control in the sense that they are not

         totally dependent on external sources for the development of their potential. For example, assuming

         as opposed to accepting responsibility, going beyond stated objectives, taking personal responsibility

         for the quality of one's experiences.

4.  Social: The ability to use one's cognitive, physical and emotional being to interact with others in a

     meaningful and productive way.

    A.  The ability to empathize or appreciate another person's experience.

    B.  The ability to cooperate in the completion of tasks or play.

    C.  The ability to contribute to the betterment of the school and ultimately society.

    C.  The ability to respect the rights and property of others.

5. Vocational: To fully educate a student, the school must develop the basic abilities to participate in


    A.  Offer an opportunity for awareness of various professions.

    B.  Enhancement of and introduction to various skills and arts found in today's society.

This philosophical goal statement shall be publicized and made available to interested citizens.

This statement shall be reviewed annually and revised as deemed necessary.

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